Featured Club Member December 2021
Donna Todd
I have been interested in dogs since I became an adult (some people might think I haven’t reached that status yet). My first dog was an Irish Setter named Joshua. Thinking back on Joshua, considering I knew very little about dog training, he was a great boy. I took obedience classes with him in Duncanville, but I never got past a fun match status with him.
We had a friend that had gotten a golden from a backyard breeder and we loved her, so we contacted the breeder and got on the list for her next litter. Along came Bailey, born in a cold garage, cost $300.00, and came home at 5 weeks old since the mommy dog had no interest in her litter anymore. At 7 months old, Bailey had TPO surgery on both hips, $4000.00, and months of rehab. That’s when we started doing research on golden retrievers and breeders.
We have had numerous goldens since 2001, Bailey, Kahlua, Whiskey, Martini, Barley, Z, Tequila and now Hot Toddy.
Bailey was my first agility dog; he was a fast boy (after all he had the best screwed-together hips in the house). He rarely got his contacts, but he had the best time and loved agility. He also loved field and his ducks.
Barley was my first obedience dog, although she never really loved the sport. She was my Novice A dog and achieved her CDX. Barley loved agility, but field was her favorite sport. I only wish I had the time back then to train more in the field because she loved it and we learned together.
Tequila is my first UD dog and my first agility MACH dog(almost to MACH 3). We have a tremendous working relationship that has grown. I attribute our relationship to doing doggie fitness together. I recommend it to anyone that will listen. Tequila is working on her UDX, but we struggle some due to my lack of wanting perfection and having the patience to really train those perfect fronts and finishes.
I’ve attended numerous GRCA National Specialties, tons of agility trials, and lots of obedience shows. I guess my favorite was attending the AKC National Agility Championships after qualifying in 2021. Tequila and I are now qualified to attend in 2022, so I’m really looking forward to that. We are not a screaming fast team, but we are very consistent, which has worked well for us.
I have attended almost all of the LSDOC meetings and helped at the “A” match. I am the equipment manager, which means I help with all the equipment moving, inventory, and cleaning. I am happy to help when I’m needed.